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A Naturopathic Doctor’s Top 8 Natural Product Trends of 2022


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While some supplement trends come and go, it’s worth tracking what’s popular to better understand the market and what people are finding effective for their own health.

New products that gain popularity and market share often do so because of the benefits they provide. Exploring the latest product trends up and coming for 2022 may open insights into new and exciting ways to better support health and wellbeing.

Energy Products

Products that are sold to help with energy are a large and growing market segment of the natural products industry. The category, as defined, covers a broad range of products, from beverages to gels, gummies, powders, capsules, and tablets. It’s worth recognizing the two basic ways that energy products work: as stimulants or by increasing energy production in the body.

Stimulants often contain caffeine or herbal extracts (that contain caffeine) like guaranacoffee bean, or green tea extract. Products containing these stimulants carry risks of overdose and may raise some health concerns with long-term use depending on how they are formulated, with energy drinks being of most concern.

Products supporting energy through increased energy production throughout the body may be safer. While typically less potent than stimulants, some research supports the benefits of certain supplements for helping with energy. Examples include CoQ10B vitamins, and creatine. Herbal products—often used to help improve the stress response—can shore up energy reserves and will likely continue to grow in popularity, including cordycepsmacaginseng, and others.

Weight Loss

Weight loss products have long been popular, and that trend is likely to continue through 2022. With more people working from home and going out less, weight gain has been a common concern for many individuals over the course of the pandemic.

Quality and safety are both major concerns for weight loss products. Unfortunately, in an attempt to improve efficacy, some unscrupulous companies add dangerous or banned ingredients that cause significant side effects and risks. Single-ingredient products are typically safer than combination products. It’s also worth recognizing that weight loss products are often only modestly effective, which shouldn’t be minimized, but also shouldn’t be overstated.

Of the natural supplements sold for weight loss, few have solid, consistent evidence of benefits. While some products, like soluble fibercurcuminprobiotics, and green tea may help, other lifestyle factors, including diet and exercise, are necessary to achieve success. It’s likely we’ll see further variations on weight loss products with some of these ingredients as well as other novel products through 2022.

Stress and Stress Reduction

Rates of anxiety and depression have skyrocketed over the course of the pandemic, leading people to seek treatments to improve their response to stress. And while those struggling with anxiety and depression should seek appropriate treatment, a number of herbs have shown evidence for helping to improve our response to stress and decrease anxiety. With the pandemic likely extending into 2022, the demand for natural products focused on helping improve stress resiliency is only likely to continue.

Products that stand out include some of the herbs mentioned previously to help with energy, including cordyceps, maca, and ginseng. Other herbs with research suggesting benefits include ashwagandhaSchisandra, and Rhodiola. It wouldn’t be surprising to see new combinations or different extracts touted for their ability to help improve stress through 2022.

Immune Support

In the past year, numerous supplement products formulated to help support immune function were sold out almost overnight. Zincvitamin Dechinaceavitamin C, and other products thought to support immune function were purchased in large quantities. And as the pandemic continues to drag on, it’s likely that the increased interest in immune-supporting products will continue as people look for ways to shore up immune function and attempt to protect themselves from respiratory infections.

Products likely to increase or maintain popularity include vitamin D, with research showing that it can significantly reduce respiratory infections for those who are deficient in the vitamin. Garlic is also worth recognizing, with a few studies showing significant reductions in the susceptibility to the common cold. Other, lesser-known vitamins that appear to affect the immune response, like niacinamide or vitamin B3 may gain popularity. Herbal products that affect immune function could also increase in popularity, including black seed (Nigella sativa) and medicinal mushrooms.


While probiotics have effects on the immune system, they deserve a category all their own due to their rising popularity. Interest in their benefits for affecting and improving immune response is likely going to continue to grow, especially since research suggests when taken regularly they decrease risks for colds and flu.

As research continues on probiotic organisms, probiotics that focus on more specific health conditions are likely to continue to emerge. Research has found that certain probiotic bacteria may help decrease anxiety and depression. And considering the connection between gut flora and obesity, there is already evidence that probiotics may help with weight loss.

Additional probiotic products for helping to reduce weight will likely become available. Probiotics for allergy symptoms is also another likely target as is growth in probiotic products for helping support gastrointestinal health. It’s likely we’ll soon start to see more topical probiotics for skin health as research is already suggesting some potential benefits with their use.

Natural Beauty and Cosmetics

Other products that have long been popular are supplements formulated to support healthy skin and decrease wrinkles and other signs of aging. With the increased use of video conferencing for work, people have become hyper-aware of their appearance. Products with evidence for improving skin health, elasticity, and reducing wrinkles are only going to become more popular through 2022.

Like weight-loss products, beauty products are another category of products to approach with caution. However, studies show that some types of supplementation can help. The recent rise in popularity of collagen and other protein products is a good example, with clinical trials finding significant improvements in skin health over the course of a few months of supplementation. It’s likely collagen, amino acids, and other protein products will continue to increase in popularity.

Bone and Joint Health

Aches and pains seem to become all the more common as people grow old. With the large baby boomer generation continuing to age and moving into retirement, we’ll likely continue to see strong growth in natural products focused on bone and joint health through 2022 and beyond.

While historically glucosamine was the main supplement used for joint pain and arthritis, research is beginning to support other products, including several herbs that have shown potential in clinical trials for knee arthritis, including curcumin, Boswellia, and ginger.

For bone health, calcium will likely continue to sell well through 2022. However, calcium supplements should only be taken with a large meal, as evidence has been starting to suggest taking them on an empty stomach may contribute to heart disease. When taken on an empty stomach, calcium transiently raises blood calcium levels above normal, which may contribute to the hardening of the arteries.

Magnesium and potassium also have some potential benefits for bone health, as does vitamin K. The data on vitamin D for preventing fractures has become somewhat controversial, but still suggests benefits for older individuals that are deficient. Boron is another mineral often overlooked that may be useful for maintaining bone strength into old age.

Cleaner, Safer Products

As consumers become more discerning, the demand for products that eliminate fillers with potentially harmful side effects is increasing. During the manufacture of dietary supplements, certain fillers, flow agents, and lubricants are often necessary for encapsulating products. While many of these ingredients are harmless, some are not.

Dyes and colorants that are used may cause reactions in sensitive individuals. Processed starches, like maltodextrin and carboxymethyl cellulose, are common fillers, yet research is accruing that they may feed pathogenic bacteria in the digestive tract, increase inflammation, and damage gastrointestinal health.

As customers become better educated, they will continue to demand cleaner products. Companies highlighting their efforts to use safer additives or eliminate them entirely are likely to increase market share in 2022. Bulk products and powders may also grow in popularity due to their being a more pure product.


2022 holds a lot of promise for additional growth and innovation in the dietary supplement and natural products industry. And many of these products may improve on what is currently available. As research and development increases, it’s likely we’ll see continued growth throughout the industry for many years to come.


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